9600 Archive Writer

Digital files distributed across multiple departments and physical sources, including online servers, scanners, jukeboxes, and offline storage media can be sent to the Reference Archive. Export management software embedded in enterprise applications selects and groups records into logical lists and/or batch sub directories for export. Additionally, Doc IDs may be included to facilitate additional database updates.

Archive Processor

Committing your source document images and computer-output digital documents to microfilm assures access to important information for decades–even centuries. Proper processing is critical to protecting that access. Make certain you achieve true archival keeping with a new IMAGELINK Archive Processor, now easier to use and more ecologically friendly than ever before. It is designed for room-light operation and is quiet and compact.

Imagelink Reference Archive System

When it comes to information archive strategy, digital has met its ideal partner. Future-proof your records management with the IMAGELINK Reference Archive System.

Digital Scanners – 2400DV Plus Scanner, 3000DV Plus Scanner

Both digital panels have front panel controls within easy reach. Operators can switch from printing to scanning to PC at the touch of a button. High-resolution, anti-glare screens with adjustable brightness settings minimise eye fatigue.